
Conditional Facets

Search UI has the ability to conditionally show facets based on the filters selected. This is useful for showing facets that are only relevant to certain filters.

To use, add a conditionalFacets property to the configuration object. This property is a map of facet field names and a function to determine whether or not the facet should be shown.

  conditionalFacets: {
    'category': ({ filters }) => {
      return filters.some(filter => filter.field === 'category' && filter.value === 'books');

Returns true if the filter is not selected.

Example below is do not show the category facet if a category filter has been applied.

  function FilterNotSelected(fieldName: string, value?: string) {
    return ({ filters }) => {
      return !filters.some(
        (f) => f.field === fieldName && (!value || f.values.includes(value))

// configuration

  conditionalFacets: {
    'category': FilterNotSelected('category')

Can also be scoped to a particular value of a filter.

conditionalFacets: {
  'category': FilterNotSelected('category', 'books')

Returns true if the filter is selected.

Example below is show the shoe size facet if the shoes category filter has been applied.

function FilterIsSelected(fieldName: string, value?: string) {
  return ({ filters }) => {
    return filters.some(
      (f) => f.field === fieldName && (!value || f.values.includes(value))

  conditionalFacets: {
    'shoe_size': FilterIsSelected('category', 'Shoes')