
Filter plugins

A filter plugin performs intermediary processing on an event. Filters are often applied conditionally depending on the characteristics of the event.

The following filter plugins are available below. For a list of Elastic supported plugins, please consult the Support Matrix.

Plugin Description Github repository
age Calculates the age of an event by subtracting the event timestamp from the current timestamp logstash-filter-age
aggregate Aggregates information from several events originating with a single task logstash-filter-aggregate
alter Performs general alterations to fields that the mutate filter does not handle logstash-filter-alter
bytes Parses string representations of computer storage sizes, such as "123 MB" or "5.6gb", into their numeric value in bytes logstash-filter-bytes
cidr Checks IP addresses against a list of network blocks logstash-filter-cidr
cipher Applies or removes a cipher to an event logstash-filter-cipher
clone Duplicates events logstash-filter-clone
csv Parses comma-separated value data into individual fields logstash-filter-csv
date Parses dates from fields to use as the Logstash timestamp for an event logstash-filter-date
de_dot Computationally expensive filter that removes dots from a field name logstash-filter-de_dot
dissect Extracts unstructured event data into fields using delimiters logstash-filter-dissect
dns Performs a standard or reverse DNS lookup logstash-filter-dns
drop Drops all events logstash-filter-drop
elapsed Calculates the elapsed time between a pair of events logstash-filter-elapsed
elastic_integration Provides additional Logstash processing on data from Elastic integrations logstash-filter-elastic_integration
elasticsearch Copies fields from previous log events in Elasticsearch to current events logstash-filter-elasticsearch
environment Stores environment variables as metadata sub-fields logstash-filter-environment
extractnumbers Extracts numbers from a string logstash-filter-extractnumbers
fingerprint Fingerprints fields by replacing values with a consistent hash logstash-filter-fingerprint
geoip Adds geographical information about an IP address logstash-filter-geoip
grok Parses unstructured event data into fields logstash-filter-grok
http Provides integration with external web services/REST APIs logstash-filter-http
i18n Removes special characters from a field logstash-filter-i18n
java_uuid Generates a UUID and adds it to each processed event core plugin
jdbc_static Enriches events with data pre-loaded from a remote database logstash-integration-jdbc
jdbc_streaming Enrich events with your database data logstash-integration-jdbc
json Parses JSON events logstash-filter-json
json_encode Serializes a field to JSON logstash-filter-json_encode
kv Parses key-value pairs logstash-filter-kv
memcached Provides integration with external data in Memcached logstash-filter-memcached
metricize Takes complex events containing a number of metrics and splits these up into multiple events, each holding a single metric logstash-filter-metricize
metrics Aggregates metrics logstash-filter-metrics
mutate Performs mutations on fields logstash-filter-mutate
prune Prunes event data based on a list of fields to blacklist or whitelist logstash-filter-prune
range Checks that specified fields stay within given size or length limits logstash-filter-range
ruby Executes arbitrary Ruby code logstash-filter-ruby
sleep Sleeps for a specified time span logstash-filter-sleep
split Splits multi-line messages, strings, or arrays into distinct events logstash-filter-split
syslog_pri Parses the PRI (priority) field of a syslog message logstash-filter-syslog_pri
threats_classifier Enriches security logs with information about the attacker’s intent logstash-filter-threats_classifier
throttle Throttles the number of events logstash-filter-throttle
tld Replaces the contents of the default message field with whatever you specify in the configuration logstash-filter-tld
translate Replaces field contents based on a hash or YAML file logstash-filter-translate
truncate Truncates fields longer than a given length logstash-filter-truncate
urldecode Decodes URL-encoded fields logstash-filter-urldecode
useragent Parses user agent strings into fields logstash-filter-useragent
uuid Adds a UUID to events logstash-filter-uuid
wurfl_device_detection Enriches logs with device information such as brand, model, OS logstash-filter-wurfl_device_detection
xml Parses XML into fields logstash-filter-xml