
HTTP configuration options

Configures which content types should be recorded.

The defaults end with a wildcard so that content types like text/plain; charset=utf-8 are captured as well.

This option supports the wildcard *, which matches zero or more characters. Examples: /foo/*/bar/*/baz*, *foo*. Matching is case insensitive by default. Prepending an element with (?-i) makes the matching case sensitive.

dynamic config

Default Type Dynamic
application/x-www-form-urlencoded*, text/*, application/json*, application/xml* List true
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.capture_body_content_types capture_body_content_types ELASTIC_APM_CAPTURE_BODY_CONTENT_TYPES

Used to restrict requests to certain URLs from being instrumented.

This property should be set to an array containing one or more strings. When an incoming HTTP request is detected, its URL will be tested against each element in this list.

This option supports the wildcard *, which matches zero or more characters. Examples: /foo/*/bar/*/baz*, *foo*. Matching is case insensitive by default. Prepending an element with (?-i) makes the matching case sensitive.

dynamic config

Default Type Dynamic
/VAADIN/*, /heartbeat*, /favicon.ico, *.js, *.css, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif, *.webp, *.svg, *.woff, *.woff2 List true
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.transaction_ignore_urls transaction_ignore_urls ELASTIC_APM_TRANSACTION_IGNORE_URLS

Used to restrict requests from certain User-Agents from being instrumented.

When an incoming HTTP request is detected, the User-Agent from the request headers will be tested against each element in this list. Example: curl/*, *pingdom*

This option supports the wildcard *, which matches zero or more characters. Examples: /foo/*/bar/*/baz*, *foo*. Matching is case insensitive by default. Prepending an element with (?-i) makes the matching case sensitive.

dynamic config

Default Type Dynamic
<none> List true
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.transaction_ignore_user_agents transaction_ignore_user_agents ELASTIC_APM_TRANSACTION_IGNORE_USER_AGENTS

If set to true, transaction names of unsupported or partially-supported frameworks will be in the form of $method $path instead of just $method unknown route.


If your URLs contain path parameters like /user/$userId, you should be very careful when enabling this flag, as it can lead to an explosion of transaction groups. Take a look at the transaction_name_groups option on how to mitigate this problem by grouping URLs together.

dynamic config

Default Type Dynamic
false Boolean true
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.use_path_as_transaction_name use_path_as_transaction_name ELASTIC_APM_USE_PATH_AS_TRANSACTION_NAME

Deprecated in favor of transaction_name_groups.

This option is only considered, when use_path_as_transaction_name is active.

With this option, you can group several URL paths together by using a wildcard expression like /user/*.

This option supports the wildcard *, which matches zero or more characters. Examples: /foo/*/bar/*/baz*, *foo*. Matching is case insensitive by default. Prepending an element with (?-i) makes the matching case sensitive.

dynamic config

Default Type Dynamic
<none> List true
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.url_groups url_groups ELASTIC_APM_URL_GROUPS

This feature is currently experimental, which means it is disabled by default and it is not guaranteed to be backwards compatible in future releases.

Configures that the first n bytes of http-client request bodies shall be captured. Note that only request bodies will be captured for content types matching the transaction_name_groups configuration. The maximum allowed value is 1024, a value of 0 disables body capturing.

Currently only support for Apache Http Client v4 and v5, HttpUrlConnection, Spring Webflux WebClient and other frameworks building on top of these (e.g. Spring RestTemplate).

The body will be stored in the labels.http_request_body_content field on the span documents.

dynamic config

Default Type Dynamic
0 Integer true
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.capture_http_client_request_body_size capture_http_client_request_body_size ELASTIC_APM_CAPTURE_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE