
Generate a fingerprint of an event

The fingerprint processor generates a fingerprint of an event based on a specified subset of its fields.

The value that is hashed is constructed as a concatenation of the field name and field value separated by |. For example |field1|value1|field2|value2|.

Nested fields are supported in the following format: "field1.field2", for example: ["log.path.file", "foo"]

- fingerprint:
    fields: ["field1", "field2", ...]

Elastic Agent processors execute before ingest pipelines, which means that your processor configurations cannot refer to fields that are created by ingest pipelines or Logstash. For more limitations, refer to What are some limitations of using processors?

Name Required Default Description
fields Yes List of fields to use as the source for the fingerprint. The list will be alphabetically sorted by the processor.
ignore_missing No false Whether to ignore missing fields.
target_field No fingerprint Field in which the generated fingerprint should be stored.
method No sha256 Algorithm to use for computing the fingerprint. Must be one of: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, or xxhash.
encoding No hex Encoding to use on the fingerprint value. Must be one of: hex, base32, or base64.