

The client has a number of "namespaces", which generally expose administrative functionality. The namespaces correspond to the various administrative endpoints in Elasticsearch. This is a complete list of namespaces:

Namespace Functionality
asyncSearch() Provide asyncronous search
autoscaling() Autoscaling features
cat() Compact and aligned text (CAT), mainly for terminal
ccr() Cross-cluster replication operations
cluster() Cluster-centric stats and info
danglingIndices() Dangling indices management
enrich() Enrich policy management
eql() Event Query Language
features() Manage features provided by Elasticsearch and plugins
fleet() Fleet’s use of Elasticsearch (experimental)
graph() Graph explore for documents and terms
ilm() Index lifecycle management (ILM)
indices() Index-centric stats and info
ingest() Ingest pipelines and processors
license() License management
logStash() Manage pipelines used by Logstash Central Management
migration() Designed for indirect use by Kibana’s Upgrade Assistant
ml() Machine learning features
monitoring() Monitoring features
monitoring() Monitoring features
nodes() Node-centric stats and info
rollup() Rollup features
searchableSnapshots() Searchable snapshots operations
security() Security features
shutdown() Prepare nodes for temporary or permanent shutdown
slm() Snapshot lifecycle management (SLM)
snapshot() Methods to snapshot/restore your cluster and indices
sql() Run SQL queries on Elasticsearch indices and data streams
ssl() SSL certificate management
tasks() Task management
textStructure() Finds the structure of text
transform() Transform features
watcher() Watcher create actions based on conditions
xpack() Retrieves information about the installed X-Pack features

Some methods are available in several different namespaces, which give you the same information but grouped into different contexts. To see how these namespaces work, let’s look at the _stats output:

$client = ClientBuilder::create()->build();

// Index Stats
// Corresponds to curl -XGET localhost:9200/_stats
$response = $client->indices()->stats();

// Node Stats
// Corresponds to curl -XGET localhost:9200/_nodes/stats
$response = $client->nodes()->stats();

// Cluster Stats
// Corresponds to curl -XGET localhost:9200/_cluster/stats
$response = $client->cluster()->stats();

As you can see, the same stats() call is made through three different namespaces. Sometimes the methods require parameters. These parameters work just like any other method in the library.

For example, we can requests index stats about a specific index, or multiple indices:

$client = ClientBuilder::create()->build();

// Corresponds to curl -XGET localhost:9200/my_index/_stats
$params['index'] = 'my_index';
$response = $client->indices()->stats($params);

// Corresponds to curl -XGET localhost:9200/my_index1,my_index2/_stats
$params['index'] = ['my_index1', 'my_index2'];
$response = $client->indices()->stats($params);

The following example shows how you can add an alias to an existing index:

$params['body'] = [
    'actions' => [
            'add' => [
                'index' => 'myindex',
                'alias' => 'myalias'

Notice how both the stats calls and the updateAliases took a variety of parameters, each according to what the particular API requires. The stats API only requires an index name(s), while the updateAliases requires a body of actions.