

The recommended way to create instances of EcsDocument is through:

var doc = EcsDocument.CreateNewWithDefaults<EcsDocument>();

This will automatically assign most common ECS fields that can be inferred from the running process.

However there is no requirement to do so, simply creating a new EcsDocument instance directly is completely valid and supported.

var ecsDocument = new EcsDocument
	Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2019-10-23T19:44:38.485Z"),
	Dns = new Dns
		Id = "23666",
		OpCode = "QUERY",
		Type = "answer",
		QuestionName = "www.example.com",
		QuestionType = "A",
		QuestionClass = "IN",
		QuestionRegisteredDomain = "example.com",
		HeaderFlags = new[] { "RD", "RA" },
		ResponseCode = "NOERROR",
		ResolvedIp = new[] { "", "" },
		Answers = new[]
			new DnsAnswers
				Data = "",
				Name = "www.example.com",
				Type = "A",
				Class = "IN",
				Ttl = 59
			new DnsAnswers
				Data = "",
				Name = "www.example.com",
				Type = "A",
				Class = "IN",
				Ttl = 59
	Network = new Network
		Type = "ipv4",
		Transport = "udp",
		Protocol = "dns",
		Direction = "outbound",
		CommunityId = "1:19beef+RWVW9+BEEF/Q45VFU+2Y=",
		Bytes = 126
	Source = new Source { Ip = "", Port = 5785, Bytes = 31 },
	Destination = new Destination { Ip = "", Port = 53, Bytes = 95 },
	Client = new Client { Ip = "", Port = 5785, Bytes = 31 },
	Server = new Server { Ip = "", Port = 53, Bytes = 95 },
	Event = new Event
		Duration = 122433000,
		Start = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2019-10-23T19:44:38.485Z"),
		End = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2019-10-23T19:44:38.607Z"),
		Kind = "event",
		Category = new[] { "network_traffic" }
	Ecs = new Ecs { Version = "1.2.0" },
	Metadata = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "client", "ecs-dotnet" } }

Additionally, ECS fields can be dynamically assigned through

ecsDocument.AssignProperty("orchestrator.cluster.id", "id");

This will assign ecsDocument.Orchestrator.ClusterId to "id" and automatically create a new Orchestrator instance if needed.

Any string or boolean value that is not a known ecs field will be assigned to labels.* and everything else to metatadata.*