ecctl deployment extension create
Creates an extension
ecctl deployment extension create <extension name> --version <version> --type <extension type> {--file <file-path> | --download-url <url>} [--description <description>] [flags]
--description string Optional flag to add a description to the extension.
--download-url string Optional flag to define the URL to download the extension archive.
--file string Optional flag to upload an extension from a local file path.
-h, --help help for create
--type string Extension type. Can be one of [bundle, plugin].
--version string Elastic stack version. Numeric version for plugins, e.g. 7.10.0. Major version e.g. 7.*, or wildcards e.g. * for bundles.
--api-key string API key to use to authenticate (If empty will look for EC_API_KEY environment variable)
--config string Config name, used to have multiple configs in $HOME/.ecctl/<env> (default "config")
--force Do not ask for confirmation
--format string Formats the output using a Go template
--host string Base URL to use
--insecure Skips all TLS validation
--message string A message to set on cluster operation
--output string Output format [text|json] (default "text")
--pass string Password to use to authenticate (If empty will look for EC_PASS environment variable)
--pprof Enables pprofing and saves the profile to pprof-20060102150405
-q, --quiet Suppresses the configuration file used for the run, if any
--region string Elasticsearch Service region
--timeout duration Timeout to use on all HTTP calls (default 30s)
--trace Enables tracing saves the trace to trace-20060102150405
--user string Username to use to authenticate (If empty will look for EC_USER environment variable)
--verbose Enable verbose mode
--verbose-credentials When set, Authorization headers on the request/response trail will be displayed as plain text
--verbose-file string When set, the verbose request/response trail will be written to the defined file
- ecctl deployment extension - Manages deployment extensions, such as custom plugins or bundles