Input element which accepts search terms and triggers a new search query.
import { SearchBox } from "@elastic/react-search-ui";
<SearchBox />
The input from SearchBox
will be used to trigger a new search query. That query can be further customized in the SearchProvider
configuration, using the searchQuery
property. See the Search Query Configuration guide for more information.
<SearchBox inputProps={{ placeholder: "custom placeholder" }} />
"Results" are search results. The default behavior for autocomplete results is to link the user directly to a result when selected, which is why a "titleField" and "urlField" are required for the default view.
titleField: "title",
urlField: "nps_link"
"Suggestions" are different than "results". Suggestions are suggested queries. Unlike an autocomplete result, a suggestion does not go straight to a result page when selected. It acts as a regular search query and refreshes the result set.
<SearchBox autocompleteSuggestions={true} />
The default view will show both results and suggestions, divided into sections. Section titles can be added to help distinguish between the two.
sectionTitle: "Suggested Results",
titleField: "title",
urlField: "nps_link"
sectionTitle: "Suggested Queries"
Supported only by the Elasticsearch-connector.
A different index can be used for the suggestions. Some examples:
- Popular queries index from analytics
- Brands index from product data
- Categories index from product data
Below we are using the popular_queries
index and performing a prefix match search on the query.suggest
field. One thing to note, make sure the api-key has access to the index.
autocompleteQuery: {
suggestions: {
types: {
popularQueries: {
search_fields: {
"query.suggest": {}1
result_fields: {
query: {2
raw: {}
index: "popular_queries",
queryType: "results"
size: 4
- fields used to query
- fields used for display
popularQueries: {
queryType: "results",
displayField: "query"1
- specify which field used to display the suggestion
You also have the option to customise the view
of the autocomplete to show more fields.
Autocomplete queries can be customized in the SearchProvider
configuration, using the autocompleteQuery
property. See the Autocomplete Query Configuration for more information.
autocompleteQuery: {
// Customize the query for autocompleteResults
results: {
result_fields: {
// Add snippet highlighting
title: { snippet: { size: 100, fallback: true } },
nps_link: { raw: {} }
// Customize the query for autocompleteSuggestions
suggestions: {
types: {
// Limit query to only suggest based on "title" field
documents: { fields: ["title"] }
// Limit the number of suggestions returned from the server
size: 4
sectionTitle: "Suggested Results",
titleField: "title",
urlField: "nps_link"
sectionTitle: "Suggested Queries",
"Suggestions" can be generated via multiple methods. They can be derived from common terms and phrases inside of documents, or be "popular" queries generated from actual search queries made by users. This will differ depending on the particular Search API you are using.
Note: Elastic App Search currently only supports type "documents", and Elastic Site Search and Workplace Search do not support suggestions. This is purely illustrative in case a Connector is used that does support multiple types.
autocompleteQuery: {
suggestions: {
types: {
documents: { },
// FYI, this is not a supported suggestion type in any current connector, it's an example only
popular_queries: { }
// Types used here need to match types requested from the server
documents: {
sectionTitle: "Suggested Queries",
popular_queries: {
sectionTitle: "Popular Queries"
This is an example from a Gatsby site, which overrides "submit" to navigate a user to the search page for suggestions, and maintaining the default behavior when selecting a result.
titleField: "title",
urlField: "nps_link"
onSubmit={(searchTerm) => {
navigate("/search?q=" + searchTerm);
onSelectAutocomplete={(selection, {}, defaultOnSelectAutocomplete) => {
if (selection.suggestion) {
navigate("/search?q=" + selection.suggestion);
} else {
Name | Description |
className | |
shouldClearFilters | Should existing filters be cleared when a new search is performed? |
inputProps | Props for underlying input element. I.e., { placeholder: "Enter Text"} . |
searchAsYouType | Executes a new search query with every key stroke. You can fine tune the number of queries made by adjusting the debounceLength parameter. |
debounceLength | When using searchAsYouType , it can be useful to "debounce" search requests to avoid creating an excessive number of requests. This controls the length to debounce / wait. |
autocompleteResults | Configure and autocomplete search results. Boolean option is primarily available for implementing custom views. |
autocompleteSuggestions | Configure and autocomplete query suggestions. Boolean option is primarily available for implementing custom views. Configuration may or may not be keyed by "Suggestion Type", as APIs for suggestions may support may than 1 type of suggestion. If it is not keyed by Suggestion Type, then the configuration will be applied to the first type available. |
autocompleteMinimumCharacters | Minimum number of characters before autocompleting. |
onSelectAutocomplete | Allows overriding behavior when selected, to avoid creating an entirely new view. In addition to the current selection , various helpers are passed as options to the second parameter. This third parameter is the default onSelectAutocomplete , which allows you to defer to the original behavior. |
onSubmit | Allows overriding behavior when submitted. Receives the search term from the search box. |
autocompleteView | Used to override only the autocomplete dropdown. See Autocomplete view customization below. |
inputView | Used to override only the input box. See Input view customization below. |
view | Used to override the default view for this Component. See Full view customization below. |
* | Any other property passed will be passed through and available to use in a Custom View |
Name | Description |
linkTarget | Used to open links in a new tab. |
sectionTitle | Title to show in section within dropdown. |
shouldTrackClickThrough | Only applies to Results, not Suggestions. |
clickThroughTags | Tags to send to analytics API when tracking clickthrough. |
titleField | Field within a Result to use as the "title". |
urlField | Field within a Result to use for linking. |
Name | Description |
sectionTitle | Title to show in section within dropdown |
A complete guide to view customization can be found in the Customization: Component views and HTML section.
You can customize the entire view using the view
prop. This is useful to use an entirely different autocomplete library (we use downshift). A SearchBox component at its simplest could look like the following:
view={({ value, onChange, onSubmit }) => (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
onChange={(e) => onChange(}
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
The full list of props available to this view are as follows:
Name | Description |
className | Passed through from main component. |
inputView | Component to use for text input. When rendering, pass all props documented below in the Input view customization section. Note that this can be challenging to do since some of the required props are generated by Downshift. It’s generally advised not to try to use this property directly when creating a custom view. |
isFocused | Type: boolean . Whether or not the input currently has focus. Will only work if you have correct spread inputProps over your input box. |
onChange | Type: (value: string) => void . When a user changes the input of the search input box, call this with the new value. |
onSubmit | Type: (e: FormEvent) => void . Handle a "submission" of the search box. Typically used directly on a form element surrounding your input box. |
value | Type: string . The current user input to show in the input box. |
inputProps | An object containing props that should be spread over the input box element. You’ll need to do this in order to have the isFocused prop work. |
autocompleteView | Component to use for Autocomplete. When rendering, pass all props documented below in the Autocomplete view customization section. Note that this can be challenging to do since some of the required props are generated by Downshift. It’s generally advised not to try to use this property directly when creating a custom view. |
completeSuggestion | Type: (searchQuery: string) => void . |
notifyAutocompleteSelected | Type: (selection: any) => void . |
autocompletedSuggestionsCount | Type: number . |
autocompleteSuggestions | Type: boolean | AutocompleteSuggestion . |
autocompletedSuggestions | Type: AutocompletedSuggestions . |
autocompletedResults | Type: AutocompletedResult[] . |
autocompleteResults | Type: AutocompleteResult | boolean . |
onSelectAutocomplete | Type: (selectedItem: any) => void . Call this with the selected item (whether it is a result or a suggestion) when an autocomplete selection is made in the autocomplete dropdown. |
allAutocompletedItemsCount | Type: number . The number of items that would be shown in an autocomplete. If 0, no need to show the autocomplete. |
useAutocomplete | Type: boolean . Whether or not to show an autocomplete dropdown. |
See SearchBox.tsx for an example.
For making small customizations, like simply hiding the search button, or rearranging DOM structure, full customization is often overkill.
You can also just customize the input section of the search box using the inputView
inputView={({ getAutocomplete, getInputProps, getButtonProps }) => (
<div className="sui-search-box__wrapper">
placeholder: "I am a custom placeholder"
"data-custom-attr": "some value"
Note that getInputProps
and getButtonProps
are prop getters. They are meant return a props object to spread over their corresponding UI elements. This lets you arrange elements however you’d like in the DOM. It also lets you pass additional properties. You should pass properties through these functions, rather directly on elements, in order to not override base values. For instance, adding a className
through these functions will assure that the className is only appended, not overriding the base class values.
is used to determine where the autocomplete dropdown will be shown.
The full list of props available to this view are as follows:
Name | Description |
getAutocomplete | Type: () => JSX.Element . Call this method wherever you would like your autocomplete to appear. Typically, directly below your input box. |
getButtonProps | Type: () => Object . Spread the return value of this function over your "Search" button, which submit your search. |
getInputProps | Type: () => JSX . Spread the return value of this function over the input element you are using for your search box. |
See SearchInput.tsx for an example.
In addition to the inputView
customization, you can also make targed customization to the autocomplete view using the autocompleteView
For example:
autocompleteView={({ autocompletedResults, getItemProps }) => (
<div className="sui-search-box__autocomplete-container">
{, i) => (
item: result
Result {i}: {result.title.snippet}
The full list of props available to this view are as follows:
Name | Description |
allAutocompletedItemsCount | Type: number . The number of items that would be shown in an autocomplete. If 0, no need to show the autocomplete. |
autocompleteResults | Type: boolean | AutocompleteResult . Configuration object passed through from main component. |
autocompletedResults | Type: AutocompletedResult[] . The search results generated by an autocomplete query. |
autocompletedSuggestions | Type: AutocompletedSuggestions . The suggestions generated by an autocomplete suggestions query. |
autocompletedSuggestionsCount | Type: number . The total number of suggestions generated by an autocomplete suggestions query. |
autocompleteSuggestions | Type: boolean | AutocompleteSuggestion . Configuration object passed through from main component. |
onSelectAutocomplete | Type: (selectedItem: any) => void . Call this with the selected item (whether it is a result or a suggestion) when an autocomplete selection is made in the autocomplete dropdown. |
getItemProps | Type: { key: string, index: number, item: AutocompletedSuggestion }) => any . A function that will generate props to spread over an individual item in the autocomplete list. |
getMenuProps | Type: ({ className: string }) => any . A function that will generate props to spread over the main autocomplete dropdown element. |
See Autocomplete.tsx for an example.