
Organization operations in Elastic Cloud

Elastic Cloud Hosted

Get information about your Elasticsearch Service organization.

curl -XGET \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \

Invite members to your Elasticsearch Service organization.

curl -XPOST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
"https://api.elastic-cloud.com/api/v1/organizations/$ORGANIZATION_ID/invitations" \
-d '
  "emails": [
    "test@test.com" 1
  1. One or more email addresses to invite to the organization

View pending invitations to your Elasticsearch Service organization.

curl -XGET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \

View members in your Elasticsearch Service organization.

curl -XGET \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \

Remove members from your Elasticsearch Service organization.

curl -XDELETE \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \

USER_IDS One or more comma-delimited user ids to remove from the organization