
Hashicorp Vault

<div class="condensed-table">
| | |
| --- | --- |
| Version | 1.25.0 (View all) |
| Compatible Kibana version(s) | 8.12.0 or higher |
| Supported Serverless project types
What’s this? | Security
Observability |
| Subscription level
What’s this? | Basic |
| Level of support
What’s this? | Elastic |

This integration collects logs and metrics from Hashicorp Vault. There are three data streams:

  • audit - Audit logs from file or TCP socket.
  • log - Operation log from file.
  • metrics - Telemetry data from the /sys/metrics API.

This integration has been tested with Vault 1.11.

Vault audit logs provide a detailed accounting of who accessed or modified what secrets. The logs do not contain the actual secret values (for strings), but instead contain the value hashed with a salt using HMAC-SHA256. Hashes can be compared to values by using the /sys/audit-hash API.

In order to use this integration for audit logs you must configure Vault to use a file audit device or socket audit device. The file audit device provides the strongest delivery guarantees.

  • Create a directory for audit logs on each Vault server host.
mkdir /var/log/vault
  • Enable the file audit device.
vault audit enable file file_path=/var/log/vault/audit.json
  • Configure log rotation for the audit log. The exact steps may vary by OS. This example uses logrotate to call systemctl reload on the Vault service which sends the process a SIGHUP signal. The SIGHUP signal causes Vault to start writing to a new log file.
tee /etc/logrotate.d/vault <<'EOF'
/var/log/vault/audit.json {
    rotate 7
    extension json
    dateformat %Y-%m-%d.
        /bin/systemctl reload vault || true

To enable the socket audit device in Vault you should first enable this integration because Vault will test that it can connect to the TCP socket.

  • Add this integration and enable audit log collection via TCP. If Vault will be connecting remotely set the listen address to
  • Configure the socket audit device to stream logs to this integration. Substitute in the IP address of the Elastic Agent to which you are sending the audit logs.
vault audit enable socket address=${ELASTIC_AGENT_IP}:9007 socket_type=tcp

Vault outputs its logs to stdout. In order to use the package to collect the operational log you will need to direct its output to a file.

This table shows how the Vault field names are mapped in events. The remaining structured data fields (indicated by the *) are placed under hashicorp_vault.log which is mapped as flattened to allow for arbitrary fields without causing mapping explosions or type conflicts.

Original Field Package Field
@timestamp @timestamp
@module log.logger
@level log.level
@message message
* hashicorp_vault.log

By default, Vault uses its standard log output as opposed to json. Please enable the JSON output in order to have the log data in a structured format. In a config file for Vault add the following:

log_format = "json"

Vault can provide telemetry information in the form of Prometheus metrics. You can verify that metrics are enabled by making an HTTP request to http://vault_server:8200/v1/sys/metrics?format=prometheus on your Vault server.

You must configure the Vault prometheus endpoint to disable the hostname prefixing. It’s recommended to also enable the hostname label.

telemetry {
  disable_hostname = true
  enable_hostname_label = true