Command Line Interface
Most common client configuration settings are now available at the command-line.
While both the configuration file and the command-line arguments can be used together, it is important to note that command-line options will override file-based configuration of the same setting.
The most basic command-line arguments are as follows:
curator [--config CONFIG.YML] [--dry-run] ACTION_FILE.YML
The square braces indicate optional elements.
If --config
are not provided, Curator will look in ~/.curator/curator.yml
for the configuration file. ~
is the home directory of the user executing Curator. In a Unix system, this might be /home/username/.curator/curator.yml
, while on a Windows system, it might be C:\Users\username\.curator\curator.yml
If --dry-run
is included, Curator will simulate the action(s) in ACTION_FILE.YML as closely as possible without actually making any changes. The results will be in the logfile, or STDOUT/command-line if no logfile is specified.
is a YAML actionfile.
For other client configuration options, command-line help is never far away:
curator --help
The help output looks like this:
$ curator --help
Usage: curator [OPTIONS] ACTION_FILE
Curator for Elasticsearch indices
The default $HOME/.curator/curator.yml configuration file (--config) can be used but is not needed.
Command-line settings will always override YAML configuration settings.
Some less-frequently used client configuration options are now hidden. To see the full list, run:
curator_cli -h
--config PATH Path to configuration file.
--hosts TEXT Elasticsearch URL to connect to.
--cloud_id TEXT Elastic Cloud instance id
--api_token TEXT The base64 encoded API Key token
--id TEXT API Key "id" value
--api_key TEXT API Key "api_key" value
--username TEXT Elasticsearch username
--password TEXT Elasticsearch password
--request_timeout FLOAT Request timeout in seconds
--verify_certs / --no-verify_certs
Verify SSL/TLS certificate(s) [default: verify_certs]
--ca_certs TEXT Path to CA certificate file or directory
--client_cert TEXT Path to client certificate file
--client_key TEXT Path to client key file
--dry-run Do not perform any changes.
Log level
--logfile TEXT Log file
--logformat [default|ecs] Log output format
-v, --version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Learn more at
You can use environment variables in your configuration files.
Running Curator from the command-line using Docker requires only a few additional steps.
Should you desire to use them, Docker-based Curator requires you to map a volume for your configuration and/or log files. Attempting to read a YAML configuration file if you have neglected to volume map your configuration directory to /.curator
will not work.
It looks like this:
docker run [-t] --rm --name myimagename \
-v /PATH/TO/MY/CONFIGS:/.curator \
untergeek/curator:mytag \
--config /.curator/config.yml /.curator/actionfile.yml
While testing, adding the -t
flag will allocate a pseudo-tty, allowing you to see terminal output that would otherwise be hidden.
Both of the files config.yml
and actionfile.yml
should already exist in the path /PATH/TO/MY/CONFIGS
before run time.
The --rm
in the command means that the container (not the image) will be deleted after completing execution. You definitely want this as there is no reason to keep creating containers for each run. The eventual cleanup from this would be unpleasant.