
Config file example: Apache HTTP Server

Include these sample settings in your standalone Elastic Agent elastic-agent.yml configuration file to ingest data from Apache HTTP server.

outputs: 1
    type: elasticsearch 2
      - '{elasticsearch-host-url}' 3
    api_key: "my_api_key" 4
  download: 5
    sourceURI: 'https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/'
  monitoring: 6
    enabled: true
    use_output: default
    namespace: default
    logs: true
    metrics: true
inputs: 7
  - id: "insert a unique identifier here" 8
    name: apache-1
    type: logfile 9
    use_output: default
    data_stream: 10
      namespace: default
      - id: "insert a unique identifier here" 11
          dataset: apache.access 12
          type: logs
        paths: 13
          - /var/log/apache2/access.log*
          - /var/log/apache2/other_vhosts_access.log*
          - /var/log/httpd/access_log*
          - apache-access
          - .gz$
      - id: "insert a unique identifier here" 11
          dataset: apache.error 12
          type: logs
        paths: 13
          - /var/log/apache2/error.log*
          - /var/log/httpd/error_log*
          - .gz$
          - apache-error
          - add_locale: null
  1. For available output settings, refer to Configure outputs for standalone Elastic Agents.
  2. For settings specific to the Elasticsearch output, refer to Configure the Elasticsearch output.
  3. The URL of the Elasticsearch cluster where output should be sent, including the port number. For example https://12345ab6789cd12345ab6789cd.us-central1.gcp.cloud.es.io:443.
  4. An API key used to authenticate with the Elasticsearch cluster.
  5. For available download settings, refer to Configure download settings for standalone Elastic Agent upgrades.
  6. For available monitoring settings, refer to Configure monitoring for standalone Elastic Agents.
  7. For available input settings, refer to Configure inputs for standalone Elastic Agents.
  8. Specify a unique ID for the input.
  9. For available input types, refer to Elastic Agent inputs.
  10. Learn about Data streams for time series data.
  11. Specify a unique ID for each individual input stream. Naming the ID by appending the associated data_stream dataset (for example {{user-defined-unique-id}}-apache.access or {{user-defined-unique-id}}-apache.error) is a recommended practice, but any unique ID will work.
  12. Refer to Logs in the Apache HTTP Server integration documentation for the logs available to ingest and exported fields.
  13. Path to the log files to be monitored.
outputs: 1
    type: elasticsearch 2
      - '{elasticsearch-host-url}' 3
    api_key: "my_api_key" 4
  download: 5
    sourceURI: 'https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/'
  monitoring: 6
    enabled: true
    use_output: default
    namespace: default
    logs: true
    metrics: true
inputs: 7
    type: apache/metrics 8
    use_output: default
    data_stream: 9
      namespace: default
      - id: "insert a unique identifier here" 10
        data_stream: 8
          dataset: apache.status 11
          type: metrics
        metricsets: 12
          - status
          - ''
        period: 30s
        server_status_path: /server-status
  1. For available output settings, refer to Configure outputs for standalone Elastic Agents.
  2. For settings specific to the Elasticsearch output, refer to Configure the Elasticsearch output.
  3. The URL of the Elasticsearch cluster where output should be sent, including the port number. For example https://12345ab6789cd12345ab6789cd.us-central1.gcp.cloud.es.io:443.
  4. An API key used to authenticate with the Elasticsearch cluster.
  5. For available download settings, refer to Configure download settings for standalone Elastic Agent upgrades.
  6. For available monitoring settings, refer to Configure monitoring for standalone Elastic Agents.
  7. For available input settings, refer to Configure inputs for standalone Elastic Agents.
  8. For available input types, refer to Elastic Agent inputs.
  9. Learn about Data streams for time series data.
  10. Specify a unique ID for each individual input stream. Naming the ID by appending the associated data_stream dataset (for example {{user-defined-unique-id}}-apache.status) is a recommended practice, but any unique ID will work.
  11. A user-defined dataset. You can specify anything that makes sense to signify the source of the data.
  12. Refer to Metrics in the Apache HTTP Server integration documentation for the type of metrics collected and exported fields.