
DLL fields

Elastic Stack Serverless

These fields contain information about code libraries dynamically loaded into processes.

Many operating systems refer to "shared code libraries" with different names, but this field set refers to all of the following:

  • Dynamic-link library (.dll) commonly used on Windows
  • Shared Object (.so) commonly used on Unix-like operating systems
  • Dynamic library (.dylib) commonly used on macOS
Field Description Level
dll.name Name of the library.

This generally maps to the name of the file on disk.

type: keyword

example: kernel32.dll
dll.path Full file path of the library.

type: keyword

example: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
Location Field Set Description
dll.code_signature.* code_signature These fields contain information about binary code signatures.
dll.hash.* hash Hashes, usually file hashes.
dll.pe.* pe These fields contain Windows Portable Executable (PE) metadata.