
Cisco module

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This is a module for Cisco network device’s logs and Cisco Umbrella. It includes the following filesets for receiving logs over syslog or read from a file:

  • asa fileset: supports Cisco ASA firewall logs.
  • amp fileset: supports Cisco AMP API logs.
  • ftd fileset: supports Cisco Firepower Threat Defense logs.
  • ios fileset: supports Cisco IOS router and switch logs.
  • umbrella fileset: supports Cisco Umbrella logs.

Cisco ASA devices also support exporting flow records using NetFlow, which is supported by the netflow module in Filebeat.

When you run the module, it performs a few tasks under the hood:

  • Sets the default paths to the log files (but don’t worry, you can override the defaults)
  • Makes sure each multiline log event gets sent as a single event
  • Uses an Elasticsearch ingest pipeline to parse and process the log lines, shaping the data into a structure suitable for visualizing in Kibana
  • Deploys dashboards for visualizing the log data

Read the quick start to learn how to configure and run modules.

You can further refine the behavior of the cisco module by specifying variable settings in the modules.d/cisco.yml file, or overriding settings at the command line.

You must enable at least one fileset in the module. Filesets are disabled by default.

The module is by default configured to run via syslog on port 9001 for ASA and port 9002 for IOS. However it can also be configured to read from a file path. See the following example.

Cisco Umbrella publishes its logs in a compressed CSV format to a S3 bucket.

- module: cisco
    enabled: true
    var.paths: ["/var/log/cisco-asa.log"]
    var.input: "file"

Each fileset has separate variable settings for configuring the behavior of the module. If you don’t specify variable settings, the cisco module uses the defaults.

For advanced use cases, you can also override input settings. See Override input settings.


When you specify a setting at the command line, remember to prefix the setting with the module name, for example, cisco.asa.var.paths instead of asa.var.paths.

Example config:

- module: cisco
    var.syslog_port: 9001
    var.log_level: 5
An array of glob-based paths that specify where to look for the log files. All patterns supported by Go Glob are also supported here. For example, you can use wildcards to fetch all files from a predefined level of subdirectories: /path/to/log/*/*.log. This fetches all .log files from the subfolders of /path/to/log. It does not fetch log files from the /path/to/log folder itself. If this setting is left empty, Filebeat will choose log paths based on your operating system.
An integer between 1 and 7 that allows filtering messages based on the severity level. The different severity levels supported by the Cisco ASA are:
log_level severity
1 Alert
2 Critical
3 Error
4 Warning
5 Notification
6 Informational
7 Debugging

A value of 7 (default) will not filter any messages. A lower value will drop any messages with a severity level higher than the specified value. For example, var.log_level: 3 will allow messages of level 1 (Alert), 2 (Critical) and 3 (Error). All other messages will be dropped.


The filtering is done in the ingest pipeline, if this setting is changed, the ingest pipeline need to be reloaded manually. To reload the ingest pipeline, set filebeat.overwrite_pipelines: true and manually Load ingest pipelines.

The interface to listen to UDP based syslog traffic. Defaults to localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.
The UDP port to listen for syslog traffic. Defaults to 9001.
IANA time zone or time offset (e.g. +0200) to use when interpreting syslog timestamps without a time zone. Defaults to UTC.
A list of tags to include in events. Including forwarded indicates that the events did not originate on this host and causes host.name to not be added to events. Defaults to [cisco-asa, forwarded].

The Cisco FTD fileset primarily supports parsing IPv4 and IPv6 access list log messages similar to that of ASA devices as well as Security Event Syslog Messages for Intrusion, Connection, File and Malware events.

Field mappings

The ftd fileset maps Security Event Syslog Messages to the Elastic Common Schema (ECS) format. The following table illustrates the mapping from Security Event fields to ECS. The cisco.ftd prefix is used when there is no corresponding ECS field available.

Mappings for Intrusion events fields:

FTD Field Mapped fields
ApplicationProtocol network.protocol
DstIP destination.address
DstPort destination.port
EgressInterface cisco.ftd.destination_interface
GID service.id
HTTPResponse http.response.status_code
IngressInterface cisco.ftd.source_interface
InlineResult event.outcome
IntrusionPolicy cisco.ftd.rule_name
Message message
Protocol network.transport
SrcIP source.address
SrcPort source.port
User user.id, user.name
WebApplication network.application

Mappings for Connection and Security Intelligence events fields:

FTD Field Mapped fields
ACPolicy cisco.ftd.rule_name
AccessControlRuleAction event.outcome
AccessControlRuleName cisco.ftd.rule_name
ApplicationProtocol network.protocol
ConnectionDuration event.duration
DNSQuery dns.question.name
DNSRecordType dns.question.type
DNSResponseType dns.response_code
DstIP destination.address
DstPort destination.port
EgressInterface cisco.ftd.destination_interface
HTTPReferer http.request.referrer
HTTPResponse http.response.status_code
IngressInterface cisco.ftd.source_interface
InitiatorBytes source.bytes
InitiatorPackets source.packets
NetBIOSDomain host.hostname
Protocol network.transport
ReferencedHost url.domain
ResponderBytes destination.bytes
ResponderPackets destination.packets
SSLActualAction event.outcome
SSLServerName server.domain
SrcIP source.address
SrcPort source.port
URL url.original
User user.name
UserAgent user_agent.original
WebApplication network.application
originalClientSrcIP client.address

Mappings for File and Malware events fields:

FTD Field Mapped fields
ApplicationProtocol network.protocol
ArchiveFileName file.name
ArchiveSHA256 file.hash.sha256
Client network.application
DstIP destination.address
DstPort destination.port
FileName file.name
FilePolicy cisco.ftd.rule_name
FileSHA256 file.hash.sha256
FileSize file.size
FirstPacketSecond event.start
Protocol network.transport
SrcIP source.address
SrcPort source.port
URI url.original
User user.name
WebApplication network.application

Example configuration:

- module: cisco
    var.syslog_port: 9003
    var.log_level: 5
An array of glob-based paths that specify where to look for the log files. All patterns supported by Go Glob are also supported here. For example, you can use wildcards to fetch all files from a predefined level of subdirectories: /path/to/log/*/*.log. This fetches all .log files from the subfolders of /path/to/log. It does not fetch log files from the /path/to/log folder itself. If this setting is left empty, Filebeat will choose log paths based on your operating system.
An integer between 1 and 7 that allows filtering messages based on the severity level. The different severity levels supported by the Cisco ASA are:
log_level severity
1 Alert
2 Critical
3 Error
4 Warning
5 Notification
6 Informational
7 Debugging

A value of 7 (default) will not filter any messages. A lower value will drop any messages with a severity level higher than the specified value. For example, var.log_level: 3 will allow messages of level 1 (Alert), 2 (Critical) and 3 (Error). All other messages will be dropped.


The filtering is done in the ingest pipeline, if this setting is changed, the ingest pipeline need to be reloaded manually. To reload the ingest pipeline, set filebeat.overwrite_pipelines: true and manually Load ingest pipelines.

The interface to listen to UDP based syslog traffic. Defaults to localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.
The UDP port to listen for syslog traffic. Defaults to 9003.
IANA time zone or time offset (e.g. +0200) to use when interpreting syslog timestamps without a time zone. Defaults to UTC.
A list of tags to include in events. Including forwarded indicates that the events did not originate on this host and causes host.name to not be added to events. Defaults to [cisco-ftd, forwarded].

The Cisco IOS fileset primarily supports parsing IPv4 and IPv6 access list log messages.

Example config:

- module: cisco
    var.syslog_port: 9002
An array of glob-based paths that specify where to look for the log files. All patterns supported by Go Glob are also supported here. For example, you can use wildcards to fetch all files from a predefined level of subdirectories: /path/to/log/*/*.log. This fetches all .log files from the subfolders of /path/to/log. It does not fetch log files from the /path/to/log folder itself. If this setting is left empty, Filebeat will choose log paths based on your operating system.
The interface to listen to UDP based syslog traffic. Defaults to localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.
The UDP port to listen for syslog traffic. Defaults to 9002.
A list of tags to include in events. Including forwarded indicates that the events did not originate on this host and causes host.name to not be added to events. Defaults to [cisco-ios, forwarded].

This module parses logs that don’t contain time zone information. For these logs, Filebeat reads the local time zone and uses it when parsing to convert the timestamp to UTC. The time zone to be used for parsing is included in the event in the event.timezone field.

To disable this conversion, the event.timezone field can be removed with the drop_fields processor.

If logs are originated from systems or applications with a different time zone to the local one, the event.timezone field can be overwritten with the original time zone using the add_fields processor.

See Processors for information about specifying processors in your config.

The Cisco Umbrella fileset primarily focuses on reading CSV files from an S3 bucket using the filebeat S3 input.

To configure Cisco Umbrella to log to a self-managed S3 bucket please follow the Cisco Umbrella User Guide, and the AWS S3 input documentation to setup the necessary Amazon SQS queue. Retrieving logs from a Cisco-managed S3 bucket is not currently supported.

This fileset supports all 4 log types: - Proxy - Cloud Firewall - IP Logs - DNS logs

The Cisco Umbrella fileset depends on the original file path structure being followed. This structure is documented Umbrella Log Formats and Versioning:

<subfolder>/<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>/<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>-<hh>-<mm>-<xxxx>.csv.gz dnslogs/<year>-<month>-<day>/<year>-<month>-<day>-<hour>-<minute>.csv.gz

Example config:

- module: cisco
    enabled: true
    var.input: aws-s3
    var.queue_url: https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ID/CiscoQueue
    var.access_key_id: 123456
    var.secret_access_key: PASSWORD
The input from which messages are read. Can be S3 or file.
The URL to the SQS queue if the input type is S3.
The ID for the access key used to read from the SQS queue.
The secret token used for authenticating to the SQS queue.
The duration that the received messages are hidden from ReceiveMessage request. Default to be 300 seconds.
Maximum duration before AWS API request will be interrupted. Default to be 120 seconds.

The Cisco AMP fileset focuses on collecting events from your Cisco AMP/Cisco Secure Endpoint API.

To configure the Cisco AMP fileset you will need to retrieve your client_id and api_key from the AMP dashboard. For more information on how to retrieve these credentials, please reference the Cisco AMP API documentation.

The URL configured for the API depends on which region your AMP is located, currently there are three choices: - api.amp.cisco.com - api.apjc.amp.cisco.com - api.eu.amp.cisco.com

If new endpoints are added by Cisco in the future, please reference the API URL list located at the Cisco AMP API Docs.

Example config:

- module: cisco
    enabled: true
    var.input: httpjson
    var.url: https://api.amp.cisco.com/v1/events
    var.client_id: 123456
    var.api_key: sfda987gdf90s0df0

When starting up the Filebeat module for the first time, you are able to configure how far back you want Filebeat to collect existing events from. It is also possible to select how often Filebeat will check the Cisco AMP API. Another example below which looks back 200 hours and have a custom timeout:

- module: cisco
    enabled: true
    var.input: httpjson
    var.url: https://api.amp.cisco.com/v1/events
    var.client_id: 123456
    var.api_key: sfda987gdf90s0df0
    var.first_interval: 200h
    var.interval: 60m
    var.request_timeout: 120s
    var.limit: 100
The input from which messages are read. Supports httpjson.
The URL to the Cisco AMP API endpoint, this url value depends on your region. It will be the same region as your Cisco AMP Dashboard URL.
The ID for the user account used to access the API.
The API secret used together with the related client_id.
When handling large influxes of events, especially for large enterprises, the API might take longer to respond. This value is to set a custom timeout value for each request sent by Filebeat.
How far back you would want to collect events the first time the Filebeat module starts up. Supports amount in hours(example: 24h), minutes(example: 10m) and seconds(example: 50s).
This value controls how many events are returned by the Cisco AMP API per page.

This module comes with a sample dashboard for ASA:

kibana cisco asa

For a description of each field in the module, see the exported fields section.