
Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes configuration flags


The following table lists and describes all the available configuration flags for the ECK operator. For details on how to include them in the provided ConfigMap, or use other configuration methods, refer to ECK configuration.

Flag Default Description
ca-cert-rotate-before 24h Duration representing how long before expiration CA certificates should be re-issued.
ca-cert-validity 8760h Duration representing the validity period of a generated CA certificate.
ca-dir "" Path to a directory containing a CA certificate (tls.crt) and its associated private key (tls.key) to be used for all managed resources. Effectively disables the CA rotation and validity options.
cert-rotate-before 24h Duration representing how long before expiration TLS certificates should be re-issued.
cert-validity 8760h Duration representing the validity period of a generated TLS certificate.
config "" Path to a file containing the operator configuration.
container-registry docker.elastic.co Container registry to use for pulling Elastic Stack container images.
container-repository "" Container repository to use for pulling Elastic Stack container images.
container-suffix "" Suffix to be appended to container images by default. Cannot be combined with --ubi-only flag.
disable-config-watch false Watch the configuration file for changes and restart to apply them. Only effective when the --config flag is used to set the configuration file.
disable-telemetry false Disable periodically updating ECK telemetry data for Kibana to consume.
elasticsearch-client-timeout 180s Default timeout for requests made by the Elasticsearch client.
enable-leader-election true Enable leader election. Must be set to true if using multiple replicas of the operator
enable-tracing false Enable APM tracing in the operator process. Use environment variables to configure APM server URL, credentials, and so on. Check Apm Go Agent reference for details.
enable-webhook false Enables a validating webhook server in the operator process.
enforce-rbac-on-refs false Enables restrictions on cross-namespace resource association through RBAC.
exposed-node-labels "" List of Kubernetes node labels which are allowed to be copied as annotations on the Elasticsearch Pods. Check Topology spread constraints and availability zone awareness for more details.
ip-family "" Set the IP family to use. Possible values: IPv4, IPv6, "" (= auto-detect)
kube-client-qps 0 Set the maximum number of queries per second to the Kubernetes API. Default value is inherited from the Go client.
kube-client-timeout 60s Set the request timeout for Kubernetes API calls made by the operator.
log-verbosity 0 Verbosity level of logs. -2=Error, -1=Warn, 0=Info, 0 and above=Debug.
manage-webhook-certs true Enables automatic webhook certificate management.
max-concurrent-reconciles 3 Maximum number of concurrent reconciles per controller (Elasticsearch, Kibana, APM Server). Affects the ability of the operator to process changes concurrently.
metrics-cert-dir "{{TempDir}}/k8s-metrics-server/serving-certs" Location of TLS certs for the metrics server. Directory needs to contain tls.key and tls.crt. If empty self-signed certificates are used. Only effective when combined with metrics-port and metrics-secure.
metrics-host The host to which the operator should bind to serve metrics in the Prometheus format. Will be combined with metrics-port.
metrics-port 0 Prometheus metrics port. Set to 0 to disable the metrics endpoint.
metrics-secure false Enables TLS for the metrics server. Only effective combined with metrics-port.
namespaces "" Namespaces in which this operator should manage resources. Accepts multiple comma-separated values. Defaults to all namespaces if empty or unspecified.
operator-namespace "" Namespace the operator runs in. Required.
password-hash-cache-size 5 x max-concurrent-reconciles Sets the size of the password hash cache. Caching is disabled if explicitly set to 0 or any negative value.
set-default-security-context auto-detect Enables adding a default Pod Security Context to Elasticsearch Pods in Elasticsearch 8.0.0 and later. fsGroup is set to 1000 by default to match Elasticsearch container default UID. This behavior might not be appropriate for OpenShift and PSP-secured Kubernetes clusters, so it can be disabled.
ubi-only false Use only UBI container images to deploy Elastic Stack applications. UBI images are only available from 7.10.0 onward. Cannot be combined with --container-suffix flag.
validate-storage-class true Specifies whether the operator should retrieve storage classes to verify volume expansion support. Can be disabled if cluster-wide storage class RBAC access is not available.
webhook-cert-dir "{{TempDir}}/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs" Path to the directory that contains the webhook server key and certificate.
webhook-name "elastic-webhook.k8s.elastic.co" Name of the Kubernetes ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource. Only used when enable-webhook is true.
webhook-secret "" K8s secret mounted into the path designated by webhook-cert-dir to be used for webhook certificates.
webhook-port 9443 Port to listen for incoming validation requests.

Duration values should be specified as numeric values suffixed by the time unit. For example, a duration of 10 hours should be specified as 10h. Acceptable time unit suffixes are:

Suffix Unit
ms Milliseconds
s Seconds
m Minutes
h Hours