
Alert schema

Elastic Security stores alerts that have been generated by detection rules in hidden Elasticsearch indices. The index pattern is .alerts-security.alerts-<space-id->.


Users are advised NOT to use the _source field in alert documents, but rather to use the fields option in the search API to programmatically obtain the list of fields used in these documents. Learn more about retrieving selected fields from a search.


The non-ECS fields listed below are beta and subject to change.

Alert field Description
@timestamp ECS field, represents the time when the alert was created or most recently updated.
message ECS field copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
tags ECS field copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
labels ECS field copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
ecs.version ECS mapping version of the alert.
event.kind ECS field, always signal for alert documents.
event.category ECS field, copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
event.type ECS field, copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
event.outcome ECS field, copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
agent.* ECS agent.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
client.* ECS client.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
cloud.* ECS cloud.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
container.* ECS container.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
data_stream.* ECS data_stream.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.

These fields may be constant keywords in the source documents, but are copied into the alert documents as keywords.

destination.* ECS destination.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
dll.* ECS dll.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
dns.* ECS dns.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
error.* ECS error.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
event.* ECS event.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.

categorization fields above (event.kind, event.category, event.type, event.outcome) are listed separately above.

file.* ECS file.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
group.* ECS group.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
host.* ECS host.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
http.* ECS http.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
log.* ECS log.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
network.* ECS network.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
observer.* ECS observer.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
orchestrator.* ECS orchestrator.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
organization.* ECS organization.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
package.* ECS package.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
process.* ECS process.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
registry.* ECS registry.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
related.* ECS related.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
rule.* ECS rule.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.

These fields are not related to the detection rule that generated the alert.

server.* ECS server.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
service.* ECS service.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
source.* ECS source.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
span.* ECS span.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
threat.* ECS threat.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
tls.* ECS tls.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
trace.* ECS trace.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
transaction.* ECS transaction.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
url.* ECS url.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
user.* ECS user.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
user_agent.* ECS user_agent.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
vulnerability.* ECS vulnerability.* fields copied from the source document, if present, for custom query and indicator match rules.
kibana.alert.ancestors.* Type: object
kibana.alert.depth Type: Long
kibana.alert.new_terms The value of the new term that generated this alert.

Type: keyword
kibana.alert.original_event.* Type: object
kibana.alert.original_time The value copied from the source event (@timestamp).

Type: date
kibana.alert.reason Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.author The value of the author who created the rule. Refer to configure advanced rule settings.

Type: keyword
kibana.alert.building_block_type The value of building_block_type from the rule that generated this alert. Refer to configure advanced rule settings.

Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.created_at The value of created.at from the rule that generated this alert.

Type: date
kibana.alert.rule.created_by Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.description Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.enabled Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.false_positives Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.from Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.uuid Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.immutable Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.interval Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.license Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.max_signals Type: long
kibana.alert.rule.name Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.note Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.references Type: keyword
kibana.alert.risk_score Type: float
kibana.alert.rule.rule_id Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.rule_name_override Type: keyword
kibana.alert.severity Alert severity, populated by the rule_type at alert creation. Must have a value of low, medium, high, critical.

Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.tags Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.threat.* Type: object
kibana.alert.rule.timeline_id Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.timeline_title Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.timestamp_override Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.to Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.type Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.updated_at Type: date
kibana.alert.rule.updated_by Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.version A number that represents a rule’s version.

Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.revision A number that gets incremented each time you edit a rule.

Type: long
kibana.alert.workflow_status Type: keyword
kibana.alert.workflow_status_updated_at The timestamp of when the alert’s status was last updated.

Type: date
kibana.alert.threshold_result.* Type: object
kibana.alert.group.id Type: keyword
kibana.alert.group.index Type: integer
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.index Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.language Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.query Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.risk_score_mapping Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.saved_id Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.severity_mapping Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.threat_filters Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.threat_index Names of the indicator indices.

Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.threat_indicator_path Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.threat_language Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.threat_mapping.* Controls which fields will be compared in the indicator and source documents.

Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.threat_query Type: flattened
kibana.alert.rule.parameters.threshold.* Type: flattened
kibana.space_ids Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.consumer Type: keyword
kibana.alert.status Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.category Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.execution.uuid Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.producer Type: keyword
kibana.alert.rule.rule_type_id Type: keyword
kibana.alert.suppression.terms.field The fields used to group alerts for suppression.

Type: keyword
kibana.alert.suppression.terms.value The values in the suppression fields.

Type: keyword
kibana.alert.suppression.start The timestamp of the first document in the suppression group.

Type: date
kibana.alert.suppression.end The timestamp of the last document in the suppression group.

Type: date
kibana.alert.suppression.docs_count The number of suppressed alerts.

Type: long
kibana.alert.url The shareable URL for the alert.

This field only appears if you’ve set the server.publicBaseUrl configuration setting in the kibana.yml file.

Type: long
kibana.alert.workflow_tags List of tags added to an alert.

This field can contain an array of values, for example: ["False Positive", "production"]

Type: keyword
kibana.alert.workflow_assignee_ids List of users assigned to an alert.

An array of unique identifiers (UIDs) for user profiles, for example: ["u_1-0CcWliOCQ9T2MrK5YDjhpxZ_AcxPKt3pwaICcnAUY_0, u_2-0CcWliOCQ9T2MrK5YDjhpxZ_AcxPKt3pwaICcnAUY_1"]

UIDs are linked to user profiles that are automatically created when users first log into a project. These profiles contain names, emails, profile avatars, and other user settings.

Type: string[]
kibana.alert.intended_timestamp Shows the alert’s estimated timestamp, had the alert been created when the source event initially occurred. The value in this field is determined by the way the rule was run:

* Scheduled run: Alerts created by scheduled runs have the same timestamp as the @timestamp field, which shows when the alert was created.
* Manual run: Alerts created by manual runs have a timestamp that falls within the time range specified for the manual run. For example, if you set a rule to manually run on event data from 10/01/2024 05:00 PM to 10/07/2024 05:00 PM, the kibana.alert.intended_timestamp value will be a date and time within that range.

Type: date
kibana.alert.rule.execution.type Shows if an alert was created by a manual run or a scheduled run. The value can be manual or scheduled.

Type: keyword