galera status MetricSet
This is the status metricset of the module galera.
Note: The galera_status metricset is in beta as we might merge it with the status metricset and we don’t have tests for it yet.
For a description of each field in the metricset, see the exported fields section.
Here is an example document generated by this metricset:
"apply": {
"oooe": 0,
"oool": 0,
"window": 1
"connected": "ON",
"flow_ctl": {
"recv": 0,
"sent": 0,
"paused": 0,
"paused_ns": 0
"ready": "ON",
"received": {
"count": 173,
"bytes": 152425
"local": {
"state": "Synced",
"bf_aborts": 0,
"cert_failures": 0,
"commits": 1325,
"recv": {
"queue_max": 2,
"queue_min": 0,
"queue": 0,
"queue_avg": 0.011561
"replays": 0,
"send": {
"queue_min": 0,
"queue": 0,
"queue_avg": 0,
"queue_max": 1
"evs": {
"evict": "",
"state": "OPERATIONAL"
"repl": {
"bytes": 1689804,
"data_bytes": 1540647,
"keys": 4170,
"keys_bytes": 63973,
"other_bytes": 0,
"count": 1331
"commit": {
"oooe": 0,
"window": 1
"cluster": {
"conf_id": 930,
"size": 3,
"status": "Primary"
"last_committed": 23944,
"cert": {
"deps_distance": 43.524557,
"index_size": 22,
"interval": 0