
PE header fields

Elastic Stack Serverless

These fields contain Windows Portable Executable (PE) metadata.

Field Description Level
pe.architecture CPU architecture target for the file.

type: keyword

example: x64
pe.company Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time.

type: keyword

example: Microsoft Corporation
pe.description Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time.

type: keyword

example: Paint
pe.file_version Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time.

type: keyword

example: 6.3.9600.17415
pe.go_import_hash A hash of the Go language imports in a PE file excluding standard library imports. An import hash can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values.

The algorithm used to calculate the Go symbol hash and a reference implementation are available here: https://github.com/elastic/toutoumomoma

type: keyword

example: 10bddcb4cee42080f76c88d9ff964491
pe.go_imports List of imported Go language element names and types.

type: flattened
pe.go_imports_names_entropy Shannon entropy calculation from the list of Go imports.

type: long
pe.go_imports_names_var_entropy Variance for Shannon entropy calculation from the list of Go imports.

type: long
pe.go_stripped Set to true if the file is a Go executable that has had its symbols stripped or obfuscated and false if an unobfuscated Go executable.

type: boolean
pe.imphash A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash — or import hash — can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values.

Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html.

type: keyword

example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf
pe.import_hash A hash of the imports in a PE file. An import hash can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values.

This is a synonym for imphash.

type: keyword

example: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
pe.imports List of imported element names and types.

type: flattened

Note: this field should contain an array of values.
pe.imports_names_entropy Shannon entropy calculation from the list of imported element names and types.

type: long
pe.imports_names_var_entropy Variance for Shannon entropy calculation from the list of imported element names and types.

type: long
pe.original_file_name Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time.

type: keyword

example: MSPAINT.EXE
pe.pehash A hash of the PE header and data from one or more PE sections. An pehash can be used to cluster files by transforming structural information about a file into a hash value.

Learn more at https://www.usenix.org/legacy/events/leet09/tech/full_papers/wicherski/wicherski_html/index.html.

type: keyword

example: 73ff189b63cd6be375a7ff25179a38d347651975
pe.product Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time.

type: keyword

example: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
pe.sections An array containing an object for each section of the PE file.

The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath pe.sections.*.

type: nested

Note: this field should contain an array of values.
pe.sections.entropy Shannon entropy calculation from the section.

type: long
pe.sections.name PE Section List name.

type: keyword
pe.sections.physical_size PE Section List physical size.

type: long
pe.sections.var_entropy Variance for Shannon entropy calculation from the section.

type: long
pe.sections.virtual_size PE Section List virtual size. This is always the same as physical_size.

type: long

The pe fields are expected to be nested at:

  • dll.pe
  • file.pe
  • process.pe

Note also that the pe fields are not expected to be used directly at the root of the events.