
Common Event Format (CEF) Integration

<div class="condensed-table">
| | |
| --- | --- |
| Version | 2.18.0 (View all) |
| Compatible Kibana version(s) | 8.6.1 or higher |
| Supported Serverless project types
What’s this? | Security
Observability |
| Subscription level
What’s this? | Basic |
| Level of support
What’s this? | Elastic |

This is an integration for parsing Common Event Format (CEF) data. It can accept data over syslog or read it from a file.

CEF data is a format like

CEF:0|Elastic|Vaporware|1.0.0-alpha|18|Web request|low|eventId=3457 msg=hello

When syslog is used as the transport the CEF data becomes the message that is contained in the syslog envelope. This integration will parse the syslog timestamp if it is present. Depending on the syslog RFC used the message will have a format like one of these:

<189> Jun 18 10:55:50 host CEF:0|Elastic|Vaporware|1.0.0-alpha|18|Web request|low|eventId=3457 msg=hello

<189>1 2021-06-18T10:55:50.000003Z host app - - - CEF:0|Elastic|Vaporware|1.0.0-alpha|18|Web request|low|eventId=3457 msg=hello

In both cases the integration will use the syslog timestamp as the @timestamp unless the CEF data contains a device receipt timestamp.

The Elastic Agent’s decode_cef processor is applied to parse the CEF encoded data. The decoded data is written into a cef object field. Lastly any Elastic Common Schema (ECS) fields that can be populated with the CEF data are populated.

This module will process CEF data from Forcepoint NGFW Security Management Center (SMC). In the SMC configure the logs to be forwarded to the address set in var.syslog_host in format CEF and service UDP on var.syslog_port. Instructions can be found in KB 15002 for configuring the SMC.

Testing was done with CEF logs from SMC version 6.6.1 and custom string mappings were taken from CEF Connector Configuration Guide dated December 5, 2011.

This module will parse CEF data from Check Point devices as documented in Log Exporter CEF Field Mappings.

Check Point CEF extensions are mapped as follows:

CEF Extension CEF Label value ECS Fields Non-ECS Field
cp_app_risk - event.risk_score checkpoint.app_risk
cp_severity - event.severity checkpoint.severity
baseEventCount - - checkpoint.event_count
deviceExternalId - observer.type -
deviceFacility - observer.type -
deviceInboundInterface - observer.ingress.interface.name -
deviceOutboundInterface - observer.egress.interface.name -
externalId - - checkpoint.uuid
fileHash - file.hash.{md5,sha1} -
reason - - checkpoint.termination_reason
requestCookies - - checkpoint.cookie
sourceNtDomain - dns.question.name -
Signature - vulnerability.id -
Recipient - email.to.address -
Sender - email.from.address -
deviceCustomFloatingPoint1 update version observer.version -
deviceCustomIPv6Address2 source ipv6 address source.ip -
deviceCustomIPv6Address3 destination ipv6 address destination.ip -
deviceCustomNumber1 elapsed time in seconds event.duration -
deviceCustomNumber1 email recipients number - checkpoint.email_recipients_num
deviceCustomNumber1 payload network.bytes -
deviceCustomNumber2 icmp type - checkpoint.icmp_type
deviceCustomNumber2 duration in seconds event.duration -
deviceCustomNumber3 icmp code - checkpoint.icmp_code
deviceCustomString1 connectivity state - checkpoint.connectivity_state
deviceCustomString1 application rule name rule.name -
deviceCustomString1 threat prevention rule name rule.name -
deviceCustomString1 voip log type - checkpoint.voip_log_type
deviceCustomString1 dlp rule name rule.name -
deviceCustomString1 email id - checkpoint.email_id
deviceCustomString2 category - checkpoint.category
deviceCustomString2 email subject email.subject checkpoint.email_subject
deviceCustomString2 sensor mode - checkpoint.sensor_mode
deviceCustomString2 protection id - checkpoint.protection_id
deviceCustomString2 scan invoke type - checkpoint.integrity_av_invoke_type
deviceCustomString2 update status - checkpoint.update_status
deviceCustomString2 peer gateway - checkpoint.peer_gateway
deviceCustomString2 categories rule.category -
deviceCustomString6 application name network.application -
deviceCustomString6 virus name - checkpoint.virus_name
deviceCustomString6 malware name - checkpoint.spyware_name
deviceCustomString6 malware family - checkpoint.malware_family
deviceCustomString3 user group group.name -
deviceCustomString3 incident extension - checkpoint.incident_extension
deviceCustomString3 protection type - checkpoint.protection_type
deviceCustomString3 email spool id - checkpoint.email_spool_id
deviceCustomString3 identity type - checkpoint.identity_type
deviceCustomString4 malware status - checkpoint.spyware_status
deviceCustomString4 threat prevention rule id rule.id -
deviceCustomString4 scan result - checkpoint.scan_result
deviceCustomString4 tcp flags - checkpoint.tcp_flags
deviceCustomString4 destination os os.name -
deviceCustomString4 protection name - checkpoint.protection_name
deviceCustomString4 email control - checkpoint.email_control
deviceCustomString4 frequency - checkpoint.frequency
deviceCustomString4 user response - checkpoint.user_status
deviceCustomString5 matched category rule.category -
deviceCustomString5 vlan id network.vlan.id -
deviceCustomString5 authentication method - checkpoint.auth_method
deviceCustomString5 email session id email.message_id checkpoint.email_session_id
deviceCustomDate2 subscription expiration - checkpoint.subs_exp
deviceFlexNumber1 confidence - checkpoint.confidence_level
deviceFlexNumber2 performance impact - checkpoint.performance_impact
deviceFlexNumber2 destination phone number - checkpoint.dst_phone_number
flexString1 application signature id - checkpoint.app_sig_id
flexString2 malware action rule.description -
flexString2 attack information event.action -
rule_uid - rule.uuid -
ifname - observer.ingress.interface.name -
inzone - observer.ingress.zone -
outzone - observer.egress.zone -
product - observer.product -

There are cases where incoming CEF messages do not follow the CEF specification exactly, and this can cause errors with message decoding. To work around this, there is an option for pre-processors, which are run before the CEF message is decoded. These can be used modify the message to follow the CEF specification correctly, which will allow proper decoding.

The pre-processors will modify the message field before CEF decoding is done on the agent, but the original, non-preprocessed, message will still be preserved in the event.original field when the agent sends the event.

This is the CEF log dataset.