

<div class="condensed-table">
| | |
| --- | --- |
| Version | 1.22.0 (View all) |
| Compatible Kibana version(s) | 8.13.0 or higher |
| Supported Serverless project types
What’s this? | Security
Observability |
| Subscription level
What’s this? | Basic |
| Level of support
What’s this? | Elastic |


The Darktrace integration allows you to monitor Alert Logs. Darktrace is a network solution for detecting and investigating emerging cyber-threats that evade traditional security tools. It is powered by Enterprise Immune System technology, which uses machine learning and mathematics to monitor behaviors and detect anomalies in your organization’s network.

Use the Darktrace integration to collect and parse data from the REST APIs or via Syslog. Then visualise that data in Kibana.

For example, you could use the data from this integration to know which model is breached and analyse model breaches, and also know about system health, changes in monitored traffic, and any errors experienced by Darktrace Security Modules or probe instances.

The Darktrace integration collects logs for three types of events: AI Analyst Alert, Model Breach Alert and System Status Alert.

AI Analyst Alert is generated by investigates, analyzes, and reports upon threats seen within your Darktrace environment; as a starting point, it reviews and investigates all Model Breaches that occur on the system. If behavior which would be of interest to a cyber analyst is detected, an event is created. See Example Schema here.

Model Breach Alert is generated when a model breach is triggered. A model is used to define a set of conditions which, when met, will alert the system to the occurrence of a particular event or chain of anomalous behavior. Darktrace models are focused on pattern-of-life anomaly detection, potentially malicious behavior, and compliance issues. See Example Schema here.

System Status Alert keep Darktrace operators informed of system health, changes in monitored traffic, and any errors experienced by Darktrace Security Modules or probe instances. System Status Alerts include details of the originating host, the severity of the event, and links that may be helpful to investigate or resolve the issue. Notifications are sent for active system events and (optionally) on event resolution. See Example Schema here.

You need Elasticsearch for storing and searching your data and Kibana for visualizing and managing it. You can use our hosted Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud, which is recommended, or self-manage the Elastic Stack on your own hardware.

Firewall exceptions to allow communication from the Darktrace master instance to the Syslog server.

This module has been tested against Darktrace Threat Visualizer v5.2.

  1. Hostname URL will be your <appliance-ip>. (Threat Visualizer Console Hostname)
  2. Public and Private Token will be generated by following this Link.

System Status Alert are not supported by REST API.

The user needs to create a different Syslog Forwarder with different ports for each data stream.

The process for configuring syslog-format alerts is identical for AI Analyst Alerts, Model Breach Alerts and System Status Alerts. Generic configuration guidance is provided below:

  1. Open the Darktrace Threat Visualizer Dashboard and navigate to the System Config page. (Main menu › Admin).
  2. From the left-side menu, select Modules, then navigate to the Workflow Integrations section and choose Syslog.
  3. Select Syslog JSON tab and click New to set up new Syslog Forwarder.
  4. Enter the IP Address  and Port of the Elastic Agent that is running the integration in the Server and Server Port field respectively.

For more details, see Documentation.


  • It is recommended to turn on Full Timestamps toggle in Show Advanced Options to get the full timestamp instead of the RFC3164-formatted timestamp.
  • It is also recommended to turn off Reduced Message Size toggle in Show Advanced Options to get more information about alerts.
  • Configure the following settings in Show Advanced Options:
Field Name Value
Send AI Analyst Alerts ON
Send AI Analyst Alerts Immediately ON
AI Analyst Behavior Filter Critical, Suspicious and Compliance
Minimum AI Analyst Incident Event Score 0
Minimum AI Analyst Incident Score 0
Legacy AI Analyst Alerts OFF
  • Configure the following settings in Show Advanced Options:
Field Name Value
Send Model Breach Alerts ON
Model Breach Behavior Filter Critical, Suspicious, Compliance and Informational
Minimum Breach Score 0
Minimum Breach Priority 0
Model Expression N/A
Model Tags Expression N/A
Device IP Addresses N/A
Device Tags Addresses N/A
  • Configure the following settings in Show Advanced Options:
Field Name Value
Send System Status Alerts ON
Send Resolved System Status Alerts ON
Minimum System Status Priority Informational

NOTE : A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) must be configured for the Darktrace instance in order for links to be included in external alerts.

  • An FQDN can be configured from the System subsection on the Settings tab of the Darktrace System Config page.

This is the ai_analyst_alert dataset.

This is the model_breach_alert dataset.

This is the system_status_alert dataset.