
GCP default provider

Elastic Cloud Hosted

Following are the preferred instance types / machine configurations, storage types, disk to memory ratios, and virtual CPU to RAM ratios for all instance configurations available on Elasticsearch Service and provided by GCP.

Instance configuration Preferred Instance Type or Machine Configuration1 Storage Type1 Disk:Memory Ratio2 vCPU/RAM Ratio
gcp.es.datahot.n2.68x10x45 N2 NVMe 45:1 0.156
gcp.es.datahot.n2.68x10x95 N2 NVMe 95:1 0.156
gcp.es.datahot.n2.68x16x45 N2 NVMe 45:1 0.250
gcp.es.datahot.n2.68x32x45 N2 NVMe 45:1 0.500
gcp.es.datahot.n2d.64x8x11 N2d NVMe 11:1 0.133
gcp.es.datawarm.n2.68x10x190 N2 Zonal standard persistent disk 190:1 0.156
gcp.es.datacold.n2.68x10x190 N2 Zonal standard persistent disk 190:1 0.156
gcp.es.datafrozen.n2.68x10x95 N2 NVMe 95:1 0.156

Following are the preferred instance configuration and virtual CPU to RAM ratios for additional instance configurations available on Elasticsearch Service and provided by GCP.

Instance configuration Preferred Instance Type or Machine Configuration1 vCPU/RAM Ratio
gcp.es.master.n2.68x32x45 N2 0.500
gcp.es.ml.n2.68x16x45 N2 0.250
gcp.es.ml.n2.68x32x45 N2 0.500
gcp.es.coordinating.n2.68x16x45 N2 0.250
gcp.kibana.n2.68x32x45 N2 0.500
gcp.apm.n2.68x32x45 N2 0.500
gcp.integrationsserver.n2.68x32x45 N2 0.500
gcp.enterprisesearch.n2.68x32x45 N2 0.500

1 Preferred instance and storage types are subject to provider availability. To learn more about our provider instances, check the GCP reference page.

2 Ratios are estimations.