
Check Point module

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Refer to the Elastic Integrations documentation.

This is a module for Check Point firewall logs. It supports logs from the Log Exporter in the Syslog RFC 5424 format. If you need to ingest Check Point logs in CEF format then please use the CEF module (more fields are provided in the syslog output).

To configure a Log Exporter, please refer to the documentation by Check Point.

Example Log Exporter config:

cp_log_export add name testdestination target-server target-port 9001 protocol udp format syslog


Read the quick start to learn how to configure and run modules.

This module has been tested against Check Point Log Exporter on R80.X but should also work with R77.30.

You can further refine the behavior of the checkpoint module by specifying variable settings in the modules.d/checkpoint.yml file, or overriding settings at the command line.

You must enable at least one fileset in the module. Filesets are disabled by default.

Each fileset has separate variable settings for configuring the behavior of the module. If you don’t specify variable settings, the checkpoint module uses the defaults.

For advanced use cases, you can also override input settings. See Override input settings.


When you specify a setting at the command line, remember to prefix the setting with the module name, for example, checkpoint.firewall.var.paths instead of firewall.var.paths.

Example config:

- module: checkpoint
    var.syslog_port: 9001
An array of glob-based paths that specify where to look for the log files. All patterns supported by Go Glob are also supported here. For example, you can use wildcards to fetch all files from a predefined level of subdirectories: /path/to/log/*/*.log. This fetches all .log files from the subfolders of /path/to/log. It does not fetch log files from the /path/to/log folder itself. If this setting is left empty, Filebeat will choose log paths based on your operating system.
The interface to listen to UDP based syslog traffic. Defaults to localhost. Set to to bind to all available interfaces.
The UDP port to listen for syslog traffic. Defaults to 9001.
IANA time zone or time offset (e.g. +0200) to use when interpreting syslog timestamps without a time zone. Defaults to UTC.
A list of tags to include in events. Including forwarded indicates that the events did not originate on this host and causes host.name to not be added to events. Defaults to [checkpoint-firewall, forwarded].
The SSL/TLS configuration for the filebeat instance. This can be used to enforce mutual TLS.
  enabled: true
  certificate_authorities: ["my-ca.pem"]
  certificate: "filebeat-cert.pem"
  key: "filebeat-key.pem"
  client_authentication: "required"

This module will parse Check Point Syslog data as documented in: Checkpoint Log Fields Description.

Check Point Syslog extensions are mapped as follows to ECS:

Check Point Fields ECS Fields
action event.action
appi_name network.application
app_risk event.risk_score
app_rule_id rule.id
app_rule_name rule.name
bytes network.bytes
categories rule.category
client_inbound_interface observer.ingress.interface.name
client_outbound_bytes source.bytes
client_outbound_interface observer.egress.interface.name
client_outbound_packets source.packets
destination_dns_hostname destination.domain
dlp_file_name file.name
dns_message_type dns.type
dns_type dns.question.type
domain_name dns.question.name
dst destination.ip
dst_machine_name destination.domain
dlp_rule_name rule.name
dlp_rule_uid rule.uuid
endpoint_ip observer.ip
file_id file.inode
file_type file.type
file_name file.name
file_size file.size
file_md5 file.hash.md5
file_sha1 file.hash.sha1
file_sha256 file.hash.sha256
first_detection event.start
from source.user.email
ifdir network.direction
industry_reference vulnerability.id
inzone observer.ingress.zone
last_detection event.end
loguid event.id
mac_destination_address destination.mac
mac_source_address source.mac
malware_action rule.description
matched_category rule.category
malware_rule_id rule.rule.id
message message
method http.request.method
origin observer.name
origin_ip observer.ip
os_name host.os.name
os_version host.os.version
outzone observer.egress.zone
packet_capture event.url
packets network.packets
parent_process_md5 process.parent.hash.md5
parent_process_name process.parent.name
process_md5 process.hash.md5
process_name process.name
product observer.product
proto network.iana_number
reason message
received_bytes destination.bytes
referrer http.request.referrer
rule_name rule.name
resource url.original
s_port source.port
security_inzone observer.ingress.zone
security_outzone observer.egress.zone
sent_bytes source.bytes
sequencenum event.sequence
service destination.port
service_id network.application
service_name destination.service.name
server_outbound_packets destination.packets
server_outbound_bytes destination.bytes
severity event.severity
smartdefense_profile rule.ruleset
src source.ip
src_machine_name source.domain
src_user_group source.user.group.name
start_time event.start
status http.response.status_code
tid dns.id
time @timestamp
to destination.user.email
type observer.type
update_version observer.version
url url.original
user_group group.name
usercheck_incident_uid destination.user.id
web_client_type user_agent.name
xlatesrc source.nat.ip
xlatedst destination.nat.ip
xlatesport source.nat.port
xlatedport destination.nat.port

For a description of each field in the module, see the exported fields section.