
Upgrading using a direct download

This procedure downloads the relevant Logstash binaries directly from Elastic.

  1. Shut down your Logstash pipeline, including any inputs that send events to Logstash.
  2. Download the Logstash installation file that matches your host environment.
  3. Backup your config/ and data/ folders in a temporary space.
  4. Delete your Logstash directory.
  5. Unpack the installation file into the folder that contained the Logstash directory that you just deleted.
  6. Restore the config/ and data/ folders that were previously saved, overwriting the folders created during the unpack operation.
  7. Test your configuration file with the logstash --config.test_and_exit -f <configuration-file> command. Configuration options for some Logstash plugins have changed.
  8. Restart your Logstash pipeline after updating your configuration file.