
Using with asyncio

The elasticsearch package supports async/await with asyncio and aiohttp. You can either install aiohttp directly or use the [async] extra:

$ python -m pip install elasticsearch aiohttp

# - OR -

$ python -m pip install elasticsearch[async]

After installation all async API endpoints are available via ~elasticsearch.AsyncElasticsearch and are used in the same way as other APIs, with an extra await:

import asyncio
from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch

client = AsyncElasticsearch()

async def main():
    resp = await client.search(
        body={"query": {"match_all": {}}},

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

All APIs that are available under the sync client are also available under the async client.

Reference documentation

ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) is a way to serve Python web applications making use of async I/O to achieve better performance. Some examples of ASGI frameworks include FastAPI, Django 3.0+, and Starlette. If you’re using one of these frameworks along with Elasticsearch then you should be using ~elasticsearch.AsyncElasticsearch to avoid blocking the event loop with synchronous network calls for optimal performance.

Elastic APM also supports tracing of async Elasticsearch queries just the same as synchronous queries. For an example on how to configure AsyncElasticsearch with a popular ASGI framework FastAPI and APM tracing there is a pre-built example in the examples/fastapi-apm directory.

See also the Using OpenTelemetry page.

If when trying to use AsyncElasticsearch you receive ValueError: You must have 'aiohttp' installed to use AiohttpHttpNode you should ensure that you have aiohttp installed in your environment (check with $ python -m pip freeze | grep aiohttp). Otherwise, async support won’t be available.

Previously asyncio was supported separately via the elasticsearch-async package. The elasticsearch-async package has been deprecated in favor of AsyncElasticsearch provided by the elasticsearch package in v7.8 and onwards.

This warning is created by aiohttp when an open HTTP connection is garbage collected. You’ll typically run into this when closing your application. To resolve the issue ensure that ~elasticsearch.AsyncElasticsearch.close is called before the ~elasticsearch.AsyncElasticsearch instance is garbage collected.

For example if using FastAPI that might look like this:

import os
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

from fastapi import FastAPI
from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch

client = None

async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
    global client
    client = AsyncElasticsearch(ELASTICSEARCH_URL)
    await client.close()

app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)

async def main():
    return await client.info()

You can run this example by saving it to main.py and executing ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://localhost:9200 uvicorn main:app.

Async variants of all helpers are available in elasticsearch.helpers and are all prefixed with async_*. You’ll notice that these APIs are identical to the ones in the sync Client helpers documentation.

All async helpers that accept an iterator or generator also accept async iterators and async generators.

Reference documentation