
elastic-cloud-enterprise.sh add-stack-version commmand



bash elastic-cloud-enterprise.sh add-stack-version — Make a new Elastic Stack version available


bash elastic-cloud-enterprise.sh add-stack-version
[--host-docker-host "PATH_NAME/docker.sock"] [--secrets PATH_TO_SECRETS_FILE]
[--pass PASSWORD] [--user USER_NAME]
[--version X.Y.Z] [[--]help]


To run this script, a user must be part of the docker group. The host that you run this script on must be a part of an existing Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation.


Downloads and adds a new Elastic Stack version from Elastic and makes it available on your Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation.


--host-docker-host /PATH_NAME/docker.sock
Specifies the location of the Docker socket used to communicate with the Docker daemon. Defaults to /var/run/docker.sock.
Alternate method to specifying user and pass. Specifies a path to a file with secrets. If not specified, attempts to use HOST_STORAGE_PATH/bootstrap-state/bootstrap-secrets.json, where HOST_STORAGE_PATH is the host storage path used by the Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation.
--user USER_NAME
A user with the Platform admin role. The admin user created during installation or one of the native users with the Platform admin role is sufficient.
The password for the specified user.
--version X.Y.Z
Specifies a supported Elastic Stack version, where Z is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch level (8.12.2, for example).

Add the Elastic Stack version 8.12.2 to an existing Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation:

bash elastic-cloud-enterprise.sh add-stack-version --version 8.12.2 --user admin --pass pGX5DwKzVAAIeCIpTwwAkCuJDu0ASdFP33UmYpfogfF