
Logging configuration options

Sets the logging level for the agent. This option is case-insensitive.


CRITICAL is a valid option, but it is mapped to ERROR; WARN and WARNING are equivalent; OFF is only available since version 1.16.0

dynamic config


Default Type Dynamic
INFO LogLevel true
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_level log_level ELASTIC_APM_LOG_LEVEL

Sets the path of the agent logs. The special value _AGENT_HOME_ is a placeholder for the folder the elastic-apm-agent.jar is in. Example: _AGENT_HOME_/logs/elastic-apm.log

When set to the special value System.out, the logs are sent to standard out.


When logging to a file, the log will be formatted in new-line-delimited JSON. When logging to std out, the log will be formatted as plain-text.

Default Type Dynamic
System.out String false
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_file log_file ELASTIC_APM_LOG_FILE

This feature is currently experimental, which means it is disabled by default and it is not guaranteed to be backwards compatible in future releases.

Specifying whether and how the agent should automatically reformat application logs into ECS-compatible JSON, suitable for ingestion into Elasticsearch for further Log analysis. This functionality is available for log4j1, log4j2, Logback and java.util.logging. The ECS log lines will include active trace/transaction/error IDs, if there are such.

This option only applies to pattern layouts/formatters by default. See also log_ecs_formatter_allow_list. To properly ingest and parse ECS JSON logs, follow the getting started guide.

Available options:

  • OFF - application logs are not reformatted.
  • SHADE - agent logs are reformatted and "shade" ECS-JSON-formatted logs are automatically created in addition to the original application logs. Shade logs will have the same name as the original logs, but with the ".ecs.json" extension instead of the original extension. Destination directory for the shade logs can be configured through the log_ecs_reformatting_dir configuration. Shade logs do not inherit file-rollover strategy from the original logs. Instead, they use their own size-based rollover strategy according to the log_file_size configuration and while allowing maximum of two shade log files.
  • REPLACE - similar to SHADE, but the original logs will not be written. This option is useful if you wish to maintain similar logging-related overhead, but write logs to a different location and/or with a different file extension.
  • OVERRIDE - same log output is used, but in ECS-compatible JSON format instead of the original format.

while SHADE and REPLACE options are only relevant to file log appenders, the OVERRIDE option is also valid for other appenders, like System out and console.

dynamic config


Default Type Dynamic
OFF LogEcsReformatting true
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_ecs_reformatting log_ecs_reformatting ELASTIC_APM_LOG_ECS_REFORMATTING

A comma-separated list of key-value pairs that will be added as additional fields to all log events. Takes the format key=value[,key=value[,...]], for example: key1=value1,key2=value2. Only relevant if log_ecs_reformatting is set to any option other than OFF. Additional fields are currently not supported for direct log sending through the agent.

Default Type Dynamic
<none> Map false
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_ecs_reformatting_additional_fields log_ecs_reformatting_additional_fields ELASTIC_APM_LOG_ECS_REFORMATTING_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS

Only formatters that match an item on this list will be automatically reformatted to ECS when log_ecs_reformatting is set to any option other than OFF. A formatter is the logging-framework-specific entity that is responsible for the formatting of log events. For example, in log4j it would be a Layout implementation, whereas in Logback it would be an Encoder implementation.

This option supports the wildcard *, which matches zero or more characters. Examples: /foo/*/bar/*/baz*, *foo*. Matching is case insensitive by default. Prepending an element with (?-i) makes the matching case sensitive.

Default Type Dynamic
*PatternLayout*, org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout, ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.EchoEncoder, java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter, org.apache.juli.OneLineFormatter, org.springframework.boot.logging.java.SimpleFormatter List false
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_ecs_formatter_allow_list log_ecs_formatter_allow_list ELASTIC_APM_LOG_ECS_FORMATTER_ALLOW_LIST

If log_ecs_reformatting is set to SHADE or REPLACE, the shade log files will be written alongside the original logs in the same directory by default. Use this configuration in order to write the shade logs into an alternative destination. Omitting this config or setting it to an empty string will restore the default behavior. If relative path is used, this path will be used relative to the original logs directory.

Default Type Dynamic
<none> String false
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_ecs_reformatting_dir log_ecs_reformatting_dir ELASTIC_APM_LOG_ECS_REFORMATTING_DIR

The size of the log file.

The agent always keeps one history file so that the max total log file size is twice the value of this setting.

Default Type Dynamic
50mb ByteValue false
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_file_size log_file_size ELASTIC_APM_LOG_FILE_SIZE

Defines the log format when logging to System.out.

When set to JSON, the agent will format the logs in an ECS-compliant JSON format where each log event is serialized as a single line.

Valid options: PLAIN_TEXT, JSON

Default Type Dynamic
PLAIN_TEXT LogFormat false
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_format_sout log_format_sout ELASTIC_APM_LOG_FORMAT_SOUT

Defines the log format when logging to a file.

When set to JSON, the agent will format the logs in an ECS-compliant JSON format where each log event is serialized as a single line.

Valid options: PLAIN_TEXT, JSON

Default Type Dynamic
PLAIN_TEXT LogFormat false
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_format_file log_format_file ELASTIC_APM_LOG_FORMAT_FILE

This feature is currently experimental, which means it is disabled by default and it is not guaranteed to be backwards compatible in future releases.

Sends agent and application logs directly to APM Server.

Note that logs can get lost if the agent can’t keep up with the logs, if APM Server is not available, or if Elasticsearch can’t index the logs fast enough.

For better delivery guarantees, it’s recommended to ship ECS JSON log files with Filebeat See also log_ecs_reformatting. Log sending does not currently support custom MDC fields, log_ecs_reformatting and shipping the logs with Filebeat must be used if custom MDC fields are required.

dynamic config

Default Type Dynamic
false Boolean true
Java System Properties Property file Environment
elastic.apm.log_sending log_sending ELASTIC_APM_LOG_SENDING