
Registry fields

Elastic Stack Serverless

Fields related to Windows Registry operations.

Field Description Level
registry.data.bytes Original bytes written with base64 encoding.

For Windows registry operations, such as SetValueEx and RegQueryValueEx, this corresponds to the data pointed by lp_data. This is optional but provides better recoverability and should be populated for REG_BINARY encoded values.

type: keyword

registry.data.strings Content when writing string types.

Populated as an array when writing string data to the registry. For single string registry types (REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ), this should be an array with one string. For sequences of string with REG_MULTI_SZ, this array will be variable length. For numeric data, such as REG_DWORD and REG_QWORD, this should be populated with the decimal representation (e.g "1").

type: wildcard

Note: this field should contain an array of values.

example: ["C:\rta\red_ttp\bin\myapp.exe"]
registry.data.type Standard registry type for encoding contents

type: keyword

example: REG_SZ
registry.hive Abbreviated name for the hive.

type: keyword

example: HKLM
registry.key Hive-relative path of keys.

type: keyword

example: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe
registry.path Full path, including hive, key and value

type: keyword

example: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe\Debugger
registry.value Name of the value written.

type: keyword

example: Debugger

The registry fields are expected to be nested at:

  • threat.enrichments.indicator.registry
  • threat.indicator.registry

Note also that the registry fields may be used directly at the root of the events.