Elasticsearch Rust Client
This is the official Rust client for Elasticsearch. Full documentation is hosted on docs.rs — this page provides only an overview.
Further resources:
- Fluent builders for all Elasticsearch REST API endpoints
- Persistent keep-alive connections
- TLS support with system or custom certificates
- Proxy support with authentication
- Async support with Tokio
The Elasticsearch Rust client is forward compatible; meaning that the client supports communicating with greater minor versions of Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch language clients are also backwards compatible with lesser supported minor Elasticsearch versions.
To create a client to make API calls to Elasticsearch running on \https://localhost:9200
let client = Elasticsearch::default();
Alternatively, you can create a client to make API calls against Elasticsearch running on a specific url::Url
let transport = Transport::single_node("https://example.com")?;
let client = Elasticsearch::new(transport);
If you’re running against an Elasticsearch deployment in Elastic Cloud, a client can be created using a Cloud ID and credentials retrieved from the Cloud web console
let cloud_id = "<cloud id from cloud web console>";
let credentials = Credentials::Basic("<username>".into(), "<password>".into());
let transport = Transport::cloud(cloud_id, credentials)?;
let client = Elasticsearch::new(transport);
The following makes an API call to tweets/_search
with the json body {"query":{"match":{"message":"Elasticsearch"}}}
let response = client
"query": {
"match": {
"message": "Elasticsearch rust"
let response_body = response.json::<Value>().await?;
let took = response_body["took"].as_i64().unwrap();
for hit in response_body["hits"]["hits"].as_array().unwrap() {
// print the source document
println!("{:?}", hit["_source"]);